
The latest news from Accountancy Solutions

If you’re thinking about running a business from home, it’s often not just a case of setting up shop and getting on with the day to day. There are a number of considerations you’ll need to think about and in most cases, you’ll need to notify either your mortgage provider or your landlord. Keep reading

If you’re fortunate enough to have a substantial estate to leave behind to your family members when you pass, it’s likely that you’ll have to pay inheritance tax. This tax is dependent on the overall value of your ‘estate’ which is made up of any property, money or possessions you have. Keep reading to find

If you want to start your own business but find yourself struggling to think of an initial, original idea or are concerned about the risks of getting it off the ground, a franchise may be a great solution for you. Keep reading to find out all you need to know from what a franchise business

If you’re a registered business in the UK and have a VAT taxable turnover of over £85,000, you’ll need to register for VAT and complete a quarterly VAT return. Find out everything you need to know about VAT tax returns from how to file them to the VAT accounting schemes currently available that your business

If you’re a limited company, you’ll need to file a corporation tax return. There’s quite a lot you need to consider and work out prior to paying your bill and it’s important that you pay it on time to avoid the penalties that come from paying corporation tax late. Whether you’ve just set up your

At Accountancy Solutions, we’re committed to getting you results. We know that as sole traders and self-employed individuals, your business is your livelihood and there’s never room to mess around with your money. That’s why when you choose us as your personal accountants, if you end up facing a penalty, we’ll go above and beyond

As of 1st October 2020, there will be a change to the way VAT is collected in the building and construction industry. The domestic reverse charge will mean that the customer receiving the services will now have to pay the VAT due to HMRC, instead of paying the supplier directly. If you work in the

There’s so much to consider if you’re running your own small business. And one of the most important things you need to focus on is keeping your books straight. It’s imperative that from the start, you’re tracking all your finances including revenues, expenses and profits, so that you don’t run into trouble at the end

As of 31st January 2020, at 11pm, the Brexit ball properly starts in motion, which means that free trade in goods and services across the EU is going to change. And, with this looming on the horizon, many small business owners have started to wonder, what will the impact of Brexit on small businesses be?

A Limited Company is one of the most popular legal structures a sole trader or self-employed individual can choose to run their business. There are numerous benefits that go with it, including a lower tax rate and something known as ‘limited liability’, which makes the business its own legal entity. Keep reading to find out