How We Can Contact HMRC on Your Behalf

Before we can get started in helping you take back control of your finances, we’ll need you to fill in a 64-8 ‘authorising your agent’ form. This enables Accountancy Solutions to act as your official agent, allowing us to deal with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) on your behalf, relieving you of all the stress number crunching and form filling may bring.

If you’re unsure of what HMRC agent authorisation is about, we’ve put together this useful guide to tell you everything you need to know. Keep reading to find out what a 64-8 authorising your agent form is, how you do it and how you can expect valuable HMRC help from us once you’ve filled one out.

What is a 64-8 authorising your agent form?

A 64-8 authorising your agent form is a legal document used to allow HMRC to communicate with us on your behalf. We won’t be able to speak to HMRC about your finances until they’ve received the form, so it’s important that this is done at the very start to get things under way.

If you’re worried that a 64-8 is just another form to add to your rapidly growing pile, you’ll be pleased to know that you only need to fill it out once. It rolls over from year to year, so we can act as your HMRC tax return contact for as long as you need.

How do I do HMRC agent authorisation?

HMRC agent authorisation is really easy and straight forward to do, it can either be done online, or you can download the form and post it to the Central Agent Authorisation team. You’ll need to include details such as your address, National Insurance number, and unique tax payer reference (if applicable). Additionally, you’ll need to give agent details, including agent codes – which we will provide to you when you join Accountancy Solutions.

It usually takes between 2 – 4 weeks for HMRC to process posted forms, but we recommend doing it online as it’s generally much quicker. For all the relevant 64-8 authorising your agent forms, take a look on the official HMRC website.

What happens once I’ve authorised Accountancy Solutions as my agent?

Once HMRC has received the relevant forms and accepted us as your agent, we’ll become your HMRC tax return contact straight away. Letters and forms, such as self-assessment tax returns and CIS tax returns, will be sent to us. We’ll also be given access to your account information online, allowing us to provide you with tailored HMRC help to assist you in getting back on top of your finances.

As your HMRC agent, your personal account manager will be able to monitor your finances and help you keep on track. Not only can we prevent you being buried in late payment National Insurance, PAYE or self-assessment penalties and fines, but we can also provide you with valuable HMRC help and manage your finances for you, allowing you to focus on the more important things in life.

If you need help in filling out your 64-8 authorising your agent form, or would just like some more information on how we can assist you, get in touch today.